Sunday, 25 January 2015

Friday, 16 January 2015

@triglyy #WiggTeam

Log : Entry 01026 : I think it has been a week now upon the white sands alone. Somehow I had been separated from the others. And yes, fucking sand. Still the only terrain, although it seems to like to change color. I created a temporary shelter out of what looked like the remnants of some sort of sand craft. Technology was foreign. Shelter has brought better spirits, but finding the others and survival have become the only objective.

#WiggTeam weekly highlights!

Friday, 9 January 2015


"The idea that "God" can't take a joke seems the ultimate blasphemy. Its (dark) pranks on us are my best evidence It exists." ‪#‎JeSuisCharlie‬
by dear friend #AndroidJones   #wiggteam  

#WiggTeam Weekly Highlights!
